Truckers and other commercial drivers are now banned from using handheld cellphones and other mobile devices as they drive. This ban, which was officially put in place at the end of March 2014, was initiated by regulators at the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to try to get truckers to stay focused on the road and, in the bigger picture, to try to reduce the incidence of distracted driving-related truck accidents.

The New Rules: Truckers Must Put Down Their Devices, FMCSA Orders

no cellphone road sign

According to this FMCSA ban on handheld devices for truckers, all commercial drivers can no longer:

  • Hold mobile devices while driving
  • Push more than one button to communicate with others (whether this communication is via a phone call, text, email, or other messaging system)
  • Move from their seats or unlatch their seatbelts to try to get any mobile device
  • Use anything other than voice-activated or one-touch systems to communicate with others.

This new FMCSA ban essentially prohibits the use of handheld cellphones for truckers at the federal level, affirming many already-existing bans on the use of handheld devices among truckers in many states.

Violating the FMCSA Ban Can Be Costly for Truckers, Trucking Companies

The FMCSA is serious about enforcing this new ban on handheld devices for truckers and has set the penalties for violating this ban to be very high in order to invoke compliance. In fact, while truckers who violate this FMCSA ban can face fines that are as much as $2,750, the companies that employ these drivers can face fines that are up to $11,000.

The penalties for violating the FMCSA ban get far harsher for multiple violations, as truckers could lose their commercial drivers’ licenses (possibly even permanently) while trucking companies can see their safety records severely impacted if multiple violations occur.

Portland Truck Accident Lawyers at the Savage Law Firm

After truck accidents, victims should call the Portland truck accident attorneys at the Savage Law Firm. For more than three decades, we have been devoted to providing each of our clients with personal attention, respect and the highest quality legal services.

We realize how devastating a personal injury can be on a physical, as well as a psychological and financial, level, and our lawyers are here to aggressively defend injured people’s rights to both justice and compensation. While this means that our Portland truck accident lawyers will work diligently to help our clients tell their stories in court, it also means that our attorneys and dedicated staff will vigorously stand up to insurers and others outside of the courtroom to ensure that our clients are able to obtain the settlements they deserve.

Contact Our Portland Truck Accident Lawyers Today

Helping you recover from the financial setbacks caused by truck accidents is one of our primary goals. Our Portland personal injury attorneys encourage you to learn more about your rights and case by setting up a free initial consult. We represent clients in communities in both Oregon and Washington from our offices in Portland and Seattle.

To learn more about our legal services and what we can do for you, call us at 503-222-0200 (in Portland) or at 206-957-7272 (in Seattle). You can also email us using the form on this page.