A family’s decision to place a loved one in a nursing home can be an extremely emotional time for everyone involved. Investigating a nursing home’s reputation and record should be a top priority; however, the results do not guarantee that your loved one will not experience negligence from the staff. National headlines continue to report on elder abuse and nursing home negligence. Seattle residents are not immune to this horrific pitfall.
Following is a checklist that every person with a loved one residing in a nursing home should use to reduce the possibility of negligence:
- Ensure that your loved one receives a comprehensive medical assessment prior to moving into a nursing home facility to give you and the caretakers a baseline for their current health conditions. Worsening conditions could indicate a red flag. Communication is the key; make every effort to keep lines of communication open.
- Allow the staff to know you and your loved one by developing a relationship with the staff on each shift. This will also make the staff aware that you will be following up with the care that is being given to your loved one.
- Visit at varying times of the day and night; different days of the week at various times during the day will give you more insight to the overall care offered.
- Develop a written care plan and hold the staff accountable to staying in line with that plan. Seattle nursing homes should insist upon having a written, daily plan.
- Reporting a problem to the head of the facility should never generate retaliation towards the patient. Ensure that the nursing home can receive complaints with a positive outcome when you follow proper protocol for implementing a change or documenting your concerns.
- Know the signs of nursing home negligence:
- Unexplained bruising or wounds
- Poor hygiene
- Significant weight loss
- Drowsiness, dry mouth, blank stares or drooling from overmedication
- Dehydration
- Malnutrition
- Bedsores
- Skin breakdown
Educating yourself and your family will add an extra line of defense against Seattle Nursing Home Negligence. If you believe your loved one has fallen victim to this type of abuse, contact the Savage Law Firm for a free consultation today. We want to advocate for you and your family.