construction site

Construction and Workplace Accident Lawyers

Nearly 20 percent of all worker fatalities in the private sector affect construction workers, according to the Occupational and Safety Health Administration (OHSA). What is potentially just as shocking is the fact that nearly 4 percent of all construction workers will be injured on the job in any given year. While construction sites are notoriously dangerous places due to the fact that they tend to have large machinery moving around incomplete or unstable structures, it’s important for construction workers to know that:

  • Being at risk of injury is not an assumption they have to make about their jobs.
  • Their employers have the responsibility to provide them with the necessary training and personal protective gear to keep them safe while they work.
  • They will likely be entitled to compensation for their injuries if they are injured while working due to some type of negligence.

At the Savage Law Firm, our Portland construction injuries lawyers know how crippling these injuries and accidents can be, and we are dedicated to helping injured construction workers hold their negligent employers responsible so they can obtain the compensation and justice they deserve.

Most Common Causes of Construction Site Injuries

According to OSHA, the top four leading causes of fatal construction injuries include:

  1. Falling, which accounts for more than 1 in every 3 construction accident deaths
  2. Being struck by an object, which accounts for about 10 percent of these fatalities
  3. Being electrocuted, which accounts for about 9 percent of construction accident fatalities
  4. Being caught or trapped between objects, which accounts for about 2 percent of these deaths.

In fact, OSHA has reported that the top three most frequently cited violations at construction sites include citations for:

  1. Lack of fall protection infrastructure
  2. Violations of scaffolding requirements
  3. Ladder violations.

When Employer Negligence Causes Construction Injuries

While the above lists some commonly noted instances of construction companies’ negligence  recorded by OSHA, some additional way in which these employers may be negligent and, consequently, increase the risk of on-the-job injuries include by:

  • Failing to adequately maintain construction equipment and vehicles
  • Failing to set up the proper warning signage in necessary parts of the site
  • Failing to adequately screen or train newly hired workers
  • Failing to ensure that toxic or hazardous substances are properly contained
  • Failing to provide workers with hard hats and other necessary safety gear. 

Portland Construction Site Injuries Lawyers at the Savage Law Firm

For more than 30 years, the Portland construction injuries attorneys at the Savage Law Firm have been devoted to defending injured workers’ rights and to providing them with the highest quality legal services.

This means that we are committed to consistently building our clients the strongest possible cases, being accessible to our clients at every stage of their case and doing whatever it takes to help them obtain the best possible outcomes to their cases.

Contact Our Portland Construction Injuries Lawyers Today

Helping you recover from the financial setbacks caused by construction injuries is one of our primary goals. Our attorneys invite you to learn more about your rights and case by setting up a free initial consult. We represent clients in Oregon and Washington from our offices in Portland and Seattle.

To learn more about our legal services and what we can do for you, call us at 503-222-0200 (in Portland) or at 206-957-7272 (in Seattle). You can also email us using the form on this page.