Portland Personal Injury Lawyer · Seattle Personal Injury Lawsuit Attorney

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At Savage Law Firm, getting results is our only focus. If you have been injured in an accident or lost a family member because of someone’s negligence, we are ready to fight for your rights. After more than 30 years of obtaining maximum settlements and jury awards on behalf of plaintiffs, the Savage Law Firm has earned professional recognition for integrity, hard work and effective representation.

Attorneys Bill Savage and Carol Hepburn are licensed to practice law in Oregon and Washington state and can file for special pro hoc vice arrangements to represent clients in other states.

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Savage Law Firm
501 Fourth Street #490
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
(503) 536-1991

Direct map Savage Law

Seattle Office
P.O. Box 17718
Seattle, WA 98127
(206) 207-0507